Virus Outbreaks and Notifications
A Virus outbreak happens when number of virus detections exceeds within a detection period. It is very important and critical to respond to such outbreaks. So it is necessary to take a definitive action, to prevent it from spreading beyond your network.
eScan Corporate 360 product mostly used by Coporate’s , has an inbuilt module specifically designed for such anomalies. It helps you to protect your network from such wild outbreaks. The Administrative console for the product comes with Outbreak Notification module in its navigation bar. An Administrator can monitor such outbreaks for single or multiple end systems by configuring settings to generate email alerts in the Outbreak Notifications page. The email alerts are sent during a specified time limit(hours/days) to the administrators email address.
eScan Outbreak Notification Settings
Outbreak Notification Page has following sub modules:
Outbreak Alert Settings:-The number of virus detections and time in hours or days is specified here.
Events Alert Settings:-It has defined Events with event ids. The events id’s for which alert are required are selected here.
Select Computers: – It helps to select multiple endpoints from the defined groups for which email alerts need to be generated.
Notification:-The sender, the receiver of the email alerts can be defined here along with SMTP server and port.
The page is then saved with the configured settings.
To summarize it better the module checks if the event ids selected in Events Alert Settings sub module exceeds for selected endpoints in the select computer module. It checks against the number of virus detection defined in for the predetermined time in Outbreak Alert Settings. So once the virus detection limit is crossed it generates an email alert and is sends it across defined recipients.