Very recently I cam across a blogpost , which mentions about a Facebook URL Redirect bug. There is not much we can do about the bug, however, the implementation of the bug as mentioned by the author is what makes it interesting.
According to the author it is possible to redirect the logged-in FaceBook users to a phishing site and for this he has put up a phishing site to prove it.
Users of eScan 14, need not worry about these phishing threats as our Dynamic Phishing Filter will detect these type of pages as phishing pages and will block them.
Recientemente leí un blog sobre un error de redirección de URL de Facebook. La implementación del error es lo que hace interesante.El autor dice que es posible redirigir la página de login de facebook a un sitio de phishing. A continuación se puede ver la imagen.
Los usuarios que utilizan la versión 14 de eScan no tienen que preocuparse sobre esto porque el Filtro de Phishing Dinámico de eScan detectara y bloqueara este tipo de sitio de phishing.
R Sachin
Hi Deepak,
This FAQ should assist you in blocking facebook :