We have seen a lot of CAPTCHAs and the different ways hackers have found to circumvent it . But this CAPTCHA takes the cake. Its been christened as “Poor man’s CAPTCHA”
At first glance everything looks good , background is fuzzy, CAPTCHA text is dark , so from a hackers point of view , its simple to break it using OCR.
However , since this CAPTCHA is supposed to be the king of all blooper CAPTCHAs , any guesses why?
Yes. Its a text , which has been generated and cleverly positioned over the fuzzy background image. So all the user needs to do is to select the CAPTCHA text , copy the text and paste it.
As we can observe the source code of the CAPTCHA generation is quite complicated, however nonetheless it surely takes the Top-Most Position and if you have come across any other supposed-to-be-captcha do post it in the comments section.